Knight Street
Multi-Age Learning
​"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Knight Street Mulit-Age Learning believes children learn and develop through play and our curriculum is guided by National and Victorian Early Years Framework and the National Quality Standards.
We believe early childhood environments should be warm, caring and secure, promote independence and build self-esteem and self-knowledge in each child. By acknowledging, preserving and protecting children’s rights, a child’s individuality and creativity will be encouraged.
Through observation and interactions, KSMAL is able to gain insight into your child’s interests and strengths. We strongly believe by gaining this insight, we will be able to provide a variety of challenging and stimulating experiences on a daily basis for your child to enjoy and receive quality education and care.
Each Family is requested to provide their email address where they will receive an invitation from Early Works, a digital portfolio that can be accessed through a computer, Ipad or smartphone. Early Works records children’s individual journey of learning and development and enables educators to plan for interests, improvement and other learning possibilities.
By working together and actively involving your child in all aspects of our early childhood environments i.e. growing vegetables, developing projects, creating knowledge in collaborative interactions and negotiations, we believe this will transform your child’s learning into positive experiences.
KSMAL recognises that children’s first and most important learning happens with their family. We support partnershipS between our attending families and our professional educators to assist your child in their growth and development.
How you can contribute to your child’s learning:
Early Works offers families the opportunity to contribute live to the information they receive about their child and provide feedback.
Bring in photos and stories of what your child has been doing within the family and community
Verbally exchange information on your child’ interests, strengths and needs to your child’s educators
One to One opportunities with Primary Educator