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Multi-Age Learning
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Association for the Wellbeing of Children in Healthcare (AWCH)
This is a national organisation advocating for the needs of children, young people and families within the health care system in Australia. This website has resources for families, like tips on preparing for a hospital visit and questions to ask health workers.
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care – Immunisation
The Australian Government provides free immunisation for children aged 0-4 years to protect children from serious diseases. The National Immunisation Program provides immunisation to older people too. On this website you can read about immunisation and how to get it.
Healthdirect Australia
Healthdirect provides health information and advice online and over the phone. The website has links to health resources from trusted Australian organisations. You can also phone 1800 022 222 and speak to a registered nurse, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Livewire provides free, safe and fun online communities for families affected by a serious illness, chronic health condition or disability.
Medicare Australia
Medicare is Australia’s universal health care system, providing access to free or low-cost health care. This website has information on Medicare services, claims, medical benefits and other services and assistance schemes. It has information translated into languages other than English.
Pregnancy, Birth and Baby
This is a free, national, 24-hour helpline offering information, advice and counselling about all aspects of pregnancy, birth and your baby’s first year – phone 1800 882 436.
Services Australia – Health care
This website has information on health care services provided by the Australian Government. Find out whether your child can get support for dental care or eye tests. And read about getting help with early diagnosis and treatment of disability or autism.
From abrasions to worms, our Health reference has you and your child covered.
Australian Capital Territory – Canberra Hospital
New South Wales – The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network
Northern Territory – Alice Springs Hospital and Royal Darwin Hospital
Queensland – Queensland Children’s Hospital
South Australia – The Women’s and Children’s Hospital
Tasmania – Royal Hobart Hospital
Victoria – The Royal Children’s Hospital
Western Australia – King Edward Memorial Hospital (Women and Newborn Health Service) and Perth Children’s Hospital(Child and Adolescent Health Service)
Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia
This is a non-profit organisation that raises awareness of food allergies and provides science-based information and support to people living with anaphylaxis. The website includes links to online training courses for health professionals, teachers and child care workers.
Australian Breastfeeding Association
This organisation promotes breastfeeding and provides support to breastfeeding women. The website has information about breastfeeding. You can also get 24-hour advice and support by calling the Breastfeeding Helpline on 1800 MUM 2 MUM (1800 686 268) or using ABA LiveChat.
The Butterfly Foundation
This community-based charitable organisation helps eating disorder sufferers and their carers with financial support, advocacy, awareness campaigns, health promotion and early intervention work. The Foundation offers professional training in primary and secondary schools and supports eating disorder and body image research.
Dietitians Australia
This website has useful information on nutrition, including recipes and tips for a healthy diet.
Eat for Health
This is the Australian Government’s healthy eating website. It has information on the amounts and types of food that you need to eat each day for good health and wellbeing. The website has a range of resources on food, including the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, a handy visual guide to the 5 food groups.
Nutrition Australia
Nutrition Australia promotes optimal health by encouraging food variety and physical activity. Its website has healthy recipes, nutrition resources and fact sheets.
Find out what your child should aim to eat each day in illustrated guides – Dietary guidelines: 1-2 years, Dietary guidelines: 2-3 years, Dietary guidelines: 4-8 years, Dietary guidelines: 9-11 years, Dietary guidelines: 12-13 years and Dietary guidelines: 14-18 years.
Children and Media Australia (CMA)
This organisation works to protect children’s safety, wellbeing and rights in relation to media. The website has movie and app reviews, plus information for parents about children and media use.
Keep Watch
Keep Watch is a Royal Life Saving Society public education program aimed at preventing drowning deaths of children under 5 years. The website has water safety information and resources as well as details of resuscitation training courses in each Australian state and territory.
This is the national website of the Child Accident Prevention Foundation. It has links to the Kidsafe website for each Australian state and territory, where you can find information and resources to help prevent childhood injury.
Kids and Traffic
Kids and Traffic is the NSW Early Childhood Road Safety Education Program. This website has information and resources to help you keep young children safe around traffic.
Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner
This website has up-to-date information and advice to help children stay safe online. There are resources for parents and teachers, and children can use the website to make a complaint about cyberbullying.
Red Nose
This organisation works to prevent infant deaths through research and public education. The website has evidence-based information on topics like safe sleeping as well as links to grief and loss support services.
St John Ambulance
St John Ambulance is active in each state and territory in Australia. This website has first aid fact sheets you can print out for home or work, as well as extensive information on handling emergencies and using practical life-saving skills.
This is Cancer Council Australia’s national sun protection website. It has links to the SunSmart website for each state and territory, where you can find information about sun protection and tips to reduce UV radiation and prevent skin cancer.
Call the police on 000 and the child protection helpline or service in your state or territory if your child or the child you’re caring for has been sexually abused or you’re worried your child has been abused.
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